The EMP 2.0 and LDI Portal are here! To help EMP Practitioners get off to a strong start, we’ve scheduled three live tutorials during the month of January. We invite you to join us by registering through the online form on the right.
Why should you be excited? Check out just some of the upgrades available in the LDI Portal!
LDI Portal Benefits
All-in-One Access: Access the EMP, Conflict Dynamics Profile® (CDP) and Mediation Training Institute (MTI) assessments and resources from a single portal
Streamlined Participant Purchases: Program participants may directly purchase and launch the EMP
Alternate Email Addresses: Assign a program an email address for all portal communication, allowing external delivery of assessment messages
Blind-Copied Emails: New option to be copied on all portal correspondence to participants
Self-Service Password Reset: Allows you and your participants to reset passwords independently
Participant Self-Registration: Ability to have a single program URL where participants can register themselves instead of you inputting participants and sending links
Direct Messaging: Opportunity for you and participants to message each other directly through the portal
Shared Licenses & Programs: Organization accounts with shared license and program access for multiple certified Practitioners and administrators
Downloading Feedback Reports: Ability to download all program reports at one time via an emailed zip file
Anonymous Participant Creation: New capability for privacy protection